

Why Italian?

A country of food, fashion, and art, learning Italian will allow you to immerse yourself in one of Europe’s richest cultures. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve for your next holiday or fairly advanced and want to tweak your grammar knowledge, our classes offer everything you will need!

What do our students think?

"Nina has pitched her teaching at the right level for me. She is enthusiastic, caring but challenging too, a great combination. She prepares well and has often made her own props to help with visual learning"

Chris Lawson, Italian Level 1

Learning with Nina was fantastic, having someone explain the grammar to me, practice it in class and have homework assignments to get it into my head really helped me start to understand Italian.”

Peter Smith, Italian Level 1


Levels Offered

Please see below for info about what each level includes:

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

level 6

level 7

level 8


level 10


To find out which levels are being offered for the current term, click here.